PinnedLetting goThe ceaseless doubt, mind chatter and obsessive thoughts are the relentless symptoms of a need to let go. We are all there to one degree…Dec 30, 2020Dec 30, 2020
ConnectionThink back to a time when you experienced a sense of connection that was empowering, liberating and fulfilling. You may express it was…Jun 8, 2023Jun 8, 2023
LoveThis four letter word, is just that a word and the experience to which it points can become quite the ride. This is because when we…Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022
RelationshipThe idea of relationship and separation in relation to self, the rest of the world or simply other can happen at many different levels and…Mar 11, 2022Mar 11, 2022
PeaceAs our minds struggle to comprehend the feelings of hopelessness that are surfacing in our recent experience, peace is the last thing “we”…Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022